Wednesday, May 20, 2020

SWOT Analysis of Your Essay

The SWOT analysis is a commonly used method, primarily employed by people in the business field typically for a cost-benefit analysis. It is used to assess a particular method or product to see if it is viable and to see what alternatives can be adopted and/or changes can be made to improve the process or product. If the product does not meet the user’s expectations or requirements, they will not be interested in buying that specific product, so SWOT analysis helps businesses survive. It can also be used prior to entering a market, or prior to introducing a new product and/or service in the market. The uses of SWOT analysis are not just limited to the business world, because it can also be used to evaluate and analyze your essay among other things. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The following figure helps illustrate the point: As you can see, there are four sections; the pros and cons of both the product itself and the competition it may face. This method can be applied to anything where a feedback can improve the final product, including when writing an essay. As an example, to help illustrate a specific point, let’s discuss an essay about developing career opportunities in the Middle East. Once all the required background information has been acquired about the topic, information can be placed in each category to help develop an essay, making it both easy to start and to help strengthen the argument, and to make it clear to avoid misunderstandings. Strengths This category contains any useful information that supports and/or defends your point. In our examples, one strength is that there are many opportunities available in the Middle East to help develop various careers, as one would find anywhere else in the world. In general, you should have at least the same number of strengths as weaknesses and at least as strong of an argument. Weaknesses These are the pitfalls or issues regarding your essay. For example: why should one stay in the Middle East to develop a career rather than, let’s say, England or North America? When developing weaknesses, it can help provide some insight about how to improve your essay or debate. For example, for the above statement, one strong point is that there is lower cost and faster development time in the career one decides to choose in the Middle East as compared to elsewhere in the world. Opportunities This category can be thought as the message a reader can take away from the essay. In our example, we want the reader to understand how beneficial it would be for the person to stay in the Middle East to develop their career by reducing both time and money spent on their development. Threats For essays, this category contains information that can backfire against you including weak arguments that can be easily criticize or countered. In our example, one threat is that it may be easier to get in a particular industry in another country than the Middle East or another country may have more opportunities for a specific field. By separating your information into these four categories, it becomes easier to both start and develop a sound essay by focusing on the â€Å"strengths† so the reader can take away your points in the â€Å"opportunities† while developing counter arguments to the â€Å"weaknesses† which reduce the â€Å"threat† of having the reader misunderstand or go against the purpose of your essay.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Extended Outline or Action Plan for consultancy report Outline

Essays on Extended Outline or Action Plan for consultancy report Outline Benefits of Employee Engagement Introduction A direct relationship exists between employee engagement and the success of a business company. This relationship is quantifiable especially regarding international or global business. Scholars of human resources management and other related disciplines define employee engagement as a situation where the management of the business organization enhances commitment of employees on their responsibilities resulting in total commitment. In this case, employees develop a spirit where they put company goals and objectives before personal goals. Engaged employees commit themselves to work and in the process do not have time to gossip even during grapevine. A business company with engaged employees reduces conflicts among employees making it one of the most appropriate mechanism tom avoid conflict. Most business managers and chief executives define success perfectly but fail in comprehending the drivers of success. Managers consider various aspects of success among them profit levels, market share, as well as brand equity. Literature Review Macey, (2009, p. 21) holds that the real impetus of the business lies with employees. Employees become even more critical when discussing global enterprise. They design, develop, and produce products in addition to attending to company clients. Employees represent the face of the business brand. Scholars concur on the fact that employees constitute determinants of either successful international and local business or those that rarely or fail to attain the full capacity. A successful local or global business enterprise has engaged employees. Research by Azusa Pacific University, 1983, p. 67)) shows that business companies with high rates of employee engagement recorded a nineteen percent increase in their operating income over one year trading period. Similarly, the same companies witnessed a rise in earnings per share averaging twenty-eight percent. On the other hand, (Oyemba) notes that business with low abilities of engaging employees recorded a drop in income averaging more than thirty-two percent over the same financial period. This correspondent with an eleven percent decline in earnings per share. Flippo, (1984, p. 19) identifies that most managers took lessons from Michael Lewis’ Moneyball applying the same to their respective business environment with measurable success. Issues under consideration included among others measurement of the degree of engagement among employees, evaluation of their performance, as well as levels of elevation. Global companies operate in various parts of the world and among people with diverse ethnic backgrounds. The Institute Of Personnel Management, (1969, p. 112) writes that this means that adopting the skills and qualities of evaluating intangible factors adds to the quality of performance. The introduction of measurable tools of intangible factors gives managers new, insightful, and actionable solutions to any situation regarding their employees. Relevant and concrete information replaces perceptions, gut feel, and intuition (Lucas, 1999, p. 33). Wells Fargo stands out as the example of an international company that recognized and emb raced the value of successful employee engagement. The company operating in Europe, Africa, as well as the United States of America applied the happy-to-grumpy ratio to assess the levels of its employee engagement. Apart from evaluating what was important in motivating its employees, they also evaluated the degree of their employee engagement. As a successful international company, Wells Fargo concentrated on assessing commitment of individual member of each team. Understanding the drivers of what element in the team covered the duration between projects and the length. In this case, they sort to comprehend internal links between various business results in projects. Ultimately, Wells Fargo found out that a strong relationship a high degree of employee engagement and increased productivity of employees as well as the satisfaction of customers. Barrio-Urdaneta, 2008, p. 41) on the other hand, relates metrics with analytics. However, he adds that the important idea is aligning the company strategy to both metrics and analytics (Whiteley, 2002, p. 77). If research by a particular company for instance Wells Fargo proves that high employee engagement results in improved customer satisfaction because of increased sales, then the business organization will put measures to invest more in strategic initiatives that enhance employee commitment. Higher employee commitment is a prerequisite for better performance in the store. An initiative by Wells Fargo demonstrates that it is possible for international business companies to carry out measurement of the impact of the commitment of employees to the success of business organization (Jucius, 1975, p. 51). It is important to mention that more companies continue to invest in the assessment of employee engagement but fail in evaluating the effectiveness of the same miserably. This explains why the fair badly in analyzing important drivers of the commitment of employees. It is for this reason that most managers as well as Chief Executives continue to wonder how particular human resource programs influence the performance of both the company and employees. Gellerman, (1968, p. 97) feels it is necessary for businesses especially international enterprises to understand the impact of qualities that shape the drivers of employee engagement. Furthermore, managers of such businesses must have qualities of evaluating employee engagement apart from measuring effectiveness of the same. Methodology The research undertakes to define the objectives of the study, which is central in determining the methodology to apply. Researchers comprehend that both qualitative and quantitative study methodologies can apply in assessing benefits of employee engagement effectively. However, great attention comes with getting the best methodology to apply depending on the circumstance. Therefore, this specific research will use qualitative assessment including face-to-face interviews. The research will cover a small number of people, the study aims to go for the finer details, researchers, and their assistants will fluctuate in their interviews across various topics, as well as evaluating the degree of particular topics. Most importantly, the research will attempt to establish a link between employee engagement and company success with regard to international business. The methodology will include discussions among focus groups in addition to the face-to-face interviews. Limitations of the research This research has limitations that people carrying out the study will experience. First, the study will be costly. A research on employee engagement calls for the use of more money compared to other research studies because it involves a lot of movement. In this case, the human resources department relies on the approval of the overall budget by the board. The second limitation getting approvals from business company management to interview their employees. Furthermore, the study may suffer from the fact that people charged with the responsibility of carrying out the study have insufficient knowledge in the same discipline. Understanding the culture of the company tradition established by the founders is also a challenge. Bibliography Azusa Pacific University. (1983).  Job satisfaction. Azusa, Calif, Azusa Pacific College. Barrio-Urdaneta, E. C. (2008).  Employee engagement. Thesis (M.A.)--Bethel University, 2008. Flippo, E. B. (1984).  Personnel management. New York, McGraw-Hill. Gellerman, S. W. (1968).  Management by motivation. [New York], American Management Association. Institute Of Personnel Management. (1969).  Personnel management. London, Business Publications]. Jucius, M. J. (1975).  Personnel management. Homewood, Ill, R.D. Irwin. Lucas, J. R. (1999).  The passionate organization igniting the fire of employee commitment. New York, AMACOM. Macey, W. H. (2009).  Employee engagement. Chichester, U.K., Wiley-Blackwell. Sayeed, O. (2001). Organizational Commitment for healthy organizations. New York, McGraw-Hill. Whiteley, P. (2002).  Motivation. Oxford, U.K., Capstone Pub.

Critical Thinking and Managerial Decision Making for Workshops

Question: Discuss about theCritical Thinking and Managerial Decision Making for Workshops. Answer: Introduction Critical thinking becomes a fundamental element when managerial decision-making is considered (Facione and Gittens, 2015, p.183). Every manager and his team are expected to possess strong critical thinking ability, so that they can be able to run the organization and companies in the right direction. The course that I have gone through; Critical Thinking and Managerial Decision-Making, has helped me in developing skills that are directly applicable in improving my levels of critical thinking, applying managerial and organization leadership theories in the managerial reflections and in workshops. The skills I have developed in this learning environment and practices will be directly applied in my future career to make sure that I will be able to work well as a manager (Kinicki et al., 2014, p. 53). Week 1: Introduction to Problem solving and Managerial Decision Problem solving abilities and communicating effectively is what people in businesses relate to as critical thinking. Use of logic and brain to understand all the life situations will depend on how someone thinks critically. Managerial decision making on the other hand involves solving problems and making resolutions, which leads to good management skills (Goetsch and Davis, 2014, p. 106). Critical thinking and managerial decision making will therefore help one be a good manager by ensuring that all what happens within is because of thoughtful conclusion. Any good learner will apply the two to ensure success in everything in future that is after joining them with the educational knowledge. As a learner, I am also able to plan my time and manage it. In exam, I am needed to think critically so that I can score well. I am capable of solving all the problems, which I come across in life because in mind I know that any decision I make should aim at ensuring peace of my mind. Any conclusion I come to should always be welcomed by the people I lead or in the society, as I should always solve my problems observing that I do not harm other people after what I do now and in future. Week 2: Reflection on Prospect Theory and Application of the Theory in Making Managerial Decisions People choose alternatives in life through probabilities, which may result to risking with unknown outcome. Daniel Kahneman describes this as Prospect theory. Use of this theory is evident in how people risk in their real life as they try to work and make a living through businesses. Daily routine of working hard to put something on the table makes them toss or risk their lives and property with an intention of gaining more not knowing that they may end up making losses (Wang, Zhang and Wang, 2015, p.68). All this is due to the decisions made based on assumptions of gaining which is the mentality of every businessperson. Failure to know the outcome makes the person put more effort to make profit or achieve the target in the business. With this in mind, any risk I take is geared towards attaining what is worthy. I have been able to understand that alternatives I take requires critical thinking and making wise decisions. Knowledge will also enable me accept losses because they can be b ecause of risking without knowing the outcome. This has helped me in knowing that in risking I should always be prepared for different results, which may be favorable or unfavorable. Bearing this in mind, I can always be prepared in future for anything worth taking risks. Week 3: Reflection on Science of Personality and Automatic Thinking Science of personality help people understand and manage time. It helps one become an important member in any business. People learn about themselves and about other people hence making it very easy for them to relate well. This knowledge leads to healthy living whereby one can understand the other ensuring peace between them. In business, all the participants will transact their businesses well because they are aware of each others personality. Automatic thinking entails thinking fast while critical thinking requires reasoning and that is why it can also be referred to as slow thinking. The knowledge of the two has helped me make rational decisions. Through fast thinking, I can make quick decisions and especially in moments, which require quick actions to be taken. I am capable of managing stress through the knowledge of automatic thinking. Knowledge of inductive reasoning has also helped me in predicting about my future and everything that I do in life. Conclusions I make are out o f it hence shaping up my behavior because I can well predict my future (Jackson and Schuler, 1995, p.237). Week 4: Reflection on Self-Awareness and the Core of Good Leadership Self-awareness being the ability to recognize oneself leads to an individual having a clear view of his or her personality. This awareness has helped me learn more about myself and other people hence being able to relate well with them. Sometimes I can work to improve my awareness through practicing. It makes it possible for to understand leaders and who they are because I have the ability to know their personality. I am able to manage a large group of people because I have learnt how to interact, lead and relate well with people. This improves my leadership skills, which helps me create a good rapport with people now and in future. It has also helped me practice decorum in my leadership. Talking to people politely makes them respect you despite your age or height because of the good approach to them. Having learnt this, I have been able to practice it because I am aware that is what people likes. Therefore, in leadership I can apply all what I have learnt by reflecting back to the c ontent taught and the knowledge I have gained after studying. Week 5: Reflection on Innovation and Creativity Innovation and creativity are important skills in critical thinking and decision making as they serve to improve what one is doing and give the results of someones thoughts. Thinking outside the box also is part of creativity because someone has to engage his or her mind in critical thinking. I have learnt that through innovation and creativity I can come up with something, which can help me in living a good life. Am able to help many people out of my innovation hence creating friendship among the people. Any situation, which seems to be difficult, I am able to think outside the box and be able to solve the problem because I have the ability to. Sharing with other people my innovations, which are out of my creativity because of critical thinking, has helped me lead people well without rough heads. This will also help me in future in leading people and in managing everything that I do. Response on Context Analysis and Making Quality Conclusion The decision-making and contexts are interlinked because decision making involves the process of having or gaining clarity together with the elements based on conclusion and the identification of quality conclusions (Helfat and Peteraf, 2015, p.831; Bratton and Gold, 2017). The reflection based on the decision making in the context as well as developing strong conclusion has helped me in my managerial skills and in making right decisions. The lesson for the week engaged me fully and I was able to realize that there is a close relationship between decision-making process and context. On the aspect of the context, I learnt about understanding the people in the workplace, identification of the needs at a particular time; when, following the right criteria, approximating when and the area where the risks may happen. Understanding the context will help me decide where I will make adjustments and it will positively influence my decision. The issue of understanding setting had not been so m uch familiar to me as I did not have a clear grasp of the organization, or the business decision making in context (Rothaermel, 2015, p.94). However, with the current knowledge of the same. I am therefore, challenged to practice context analysis before making any decision in any workplace. Week 7: Critical Thinking and Managerial Decision Making 7 weeks Course The significant or important concepts learnt in each week are crucial to all the people. Personally, they are very important to me because they have helped and guided me in everything I do and will do in future (Liu, Fan and Zhang, 2014, p.75). For instance, the prospect theory and science of personality have helped me know that risking can be done with an aim of gaining only to get a loss at the end. This has helped me to know that I must psychologically be prepared to any outcome because anything can happen on the process. Self-awareness has also in living well with people because I have known that people have different personalities. This knowledge is what has enabled good relationship between me and the other people. Conclusion Conclusively, critical thinking and managerial decision-making are very important skills, which every human being is entitled to have. The two help one in managing himself or herself and then in managing other people. I can bet that the knowledge I have gained in studying the two skills has helped me a lot from the way I view issues and conduct myself to the way I also view other people. Applying the skills in my daily life has created a good rapport, which gives me peace of mind. Therefore, it is very important for everybody to get to know them and live well with other people because as one is solving his or her problem, he or she solves other peoples problems too. References Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave. Facione, P. and Gittens, C.A., 2015. Think critically. Pearson. Gherardi, S. and Murgia, A., 2014. What makes a good manager? Positioning gender and management in students narratives. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 33(8), pp.690-707. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Hatch, M.J., 2018. Organization theory: Modern, symbolic, and postmodern perspectives. Oxford university press. Helfat, C.E. and Peteraf, M.A., 2015. Managerial cognitive capabilities and the microfoundations of dynamic capabilities. Strategic Management Journal, 36(6), pp.831-850. Jackson, S.E. and Schuler, R.S., 1995. Understanding human resource management in the context of organizations and their environments. Annual review of psychology, 46(1), pp.237-264. Kinicki, A., Williams, B.K., Scott-Ladd, B. and Perry, M., 2014. Management: A practical introduction. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Liu, Y., Fan, Z.P. and Zhang, Y., 2014. Risk decision analysis in emergency response: A method based on cumulative prospect theory. Computers Operations Research, 42, pp.75-82. Marsick, V. and Watkins, K., 2015. Informal and incidental learning in the workplace (Routledge revivals). Routledge. Rothaermel, F.T., 2015. Strategic management. McGraw-Hill Education. Wang, L., Zhang, Z.X. and Wang, Y.M., 2015. A prospect theory-based interval dynamic reference point method for emergency decision making. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(23), pp.9379-9388.